Field Trips 2022-2023

Field Trip updates for March and April 2023

With the unusual winter weather that has been hitting Lake County, changes in Redbud Audubon’s field trip schedule are occurring.

The February field trip to the Reclamation area was cancelled because of weather conditions. The next proposed date for that adventure will be March 25. As the month goes on, we will try to keep members and friends updated either through Facebook posts or email blasts. Meanwhile, we hope everyone’s power is on again and that you are all at least enjoying birdwatching from your windows.

The field trip to Highland Springs is indefinitely cancelled because the area, which is owned by the County, is closed because of dangerous trail conditions, including falling and hanging trees.

If that trip is still not available by April, we will plan on visiting the Rodman Preserve or one of the State Parks.

Details for each field trip will be published in the preceding newsletter, including directions and start time if different from 9 a.m. The March through May field trips have yet to be determined but will be announced in upcoming newsletters. Put these dates on your calendar and plan for a fun day of birding with friends!

You can also enjoy birding at our two local State parks:  Anderson Marsh State Historic Park which has a docent led field trip on the second Saturday of the month and Clear Lake State Park which has a variety of events planned for different times of the year (  Also, the Lake County Land Trust’s Rodman Preserve is open every Saturday.   

Past Field Trips 2022-2023

October 22 – Wright Wetland Preserve
November 12 – Anderson Marsh State Historic Park Starting at 8:30 a.m
December 17 – Christmas Bird Count
January 21, 2023 – Colusa and Sacramento National Wildlife Refuges
February 25, 2023 – Reclamation Area near Upper Lake CANCELLED due to weather

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