The Redbud Audubon Society will hold its last field trip of the year on May 18 to Potter Valley and along the Eel River. If you want to caravan from Lakeport, meet at the Lakeport Park and Ride area, south of the Highway 29/175 intersection at 8:30. Another option is to meet at the Potter Valley Bridge at 9 a.m.
We are following the route taken by the Peregrine Audubon Chapter. According to their newsletter, the primary birding is done along the scenic main stem of the Eel River with stops at the Pioneer Bridge, Trout Creek, and possibly Burris Lane. Both MacGillivray’s and Hermit Warblers are usually seen on this trip, and they can be difficult to find elsewhere. Other possible birds include Bald Eagle and American Dipper.
The Potter Valley Bridge is located 1/4 mile north of Hwy 20 on Potter Valley Road at 8:30. Bring your lunch, water, binoculars, and favorite field guides.
For more information, call Pat Harmon at (707) 263-4977.