Programs and Speakers 2024-2025

Redbud Audubon presents monthly programs every third Thursday from September through April. The programs feature interesting guest speakers on a variety of birding and nature topics.  Meetings start at 7 p.m. and are currently held on ZOOM. The public is warmly invited to all Redbud programs.


 2024-2025 Redbud Meeting Speakers
(Note: All meetings will be on Zoom)

ZOOM Registration Link

Date Topic Speaker Organization
20-Sep “Grebe Whisperer” Krisztina Scheeff Professional Wildlife & Nature Photographer
17 -Oct The Benefit of Bats:
Nature’s Pest Control
UC Cooperative Extension IPM Advisor
15-Nov Impacts of Wildfire and Grazing on Bird Communities Dr. Frank Fogerty Asst. Professor Avian Ecology     Cal Poly
20-Dec Know your Lake County Birds Donna Mackeiwicz Redbud
17- Jan

Linking Extreme Behavior and Biodiversity in Birds

Dr. Daniel Baldassarre Associate Professor and Provost Teaching Fellow in the SUNY Oswego Department of Biological Sciences in New York

Status and Conservation of the Purple Martin in California

Dan Airola Wildlife Biologist and Ornithologist
20 -Mar Candace Reynolds Restoration Ecologist and Senior Biologist

ZOOM Registration Link